The holiday season is here! For many, that means lots of gatherings, celebrations, and traditions.

Traditions are often passed down from one generation to the next and help tie us to one another. They can help keep us grounded and connected to those around us. We asked the SunStar team to share their favorite holiday traditions, memories, customs or favorite holiday recipes.


“Every year I travel to San Francisco on Christmas Eve to spend the holidays with a long-time British friend and see other friends in the Bay area. We decorate the tree when I arrive.”

For over 30 years I’ve made a traditional English Christmas Cake for my fellow Brits – no one else in the world likes fruit cake!

Sue Bryant

Partner, Operations/HR Manager


"Cutting down a fresh Charlie Brown tree far bigger than I can ever fit in my car! Once, many years ago, we had a 12-foot tree, a German Shepherd, a baby in a car seat, and two adults…in a hatchback!”

You can’t go wrong with a traditional poppy seed cake.

Marilyn Dale

VP, Director, Creative & Digital Services


“Every year my kids and I make hot chocolate, bundle up, and walk through our neighborhood looking at lights. We also drive around in the car to see them but doing it on foot in the fresh air is my favorite.”

I’m a big fan of holiday cookies but my favorite to make-and eat-are oatmeal craisin white chocolate cookies.

Kerri Fronczak

AVP, Creative & Digital Services


"On Christmas day, my mom’s side of the family gets together at my uncle’s house for Christmas dinner. In the past, we’ve done a Secret Santa among the 13 cousins. Even though we’re all getting into our 20s and 30s, we continue to see each other every year. This has been a tradition ever since I can remember (my uncle also makes the best cookies)!"

One of my favorite holiday treats is peppermint bark.

Lindsey Grooms

Account Executive


"My most favorite holiday tradition used to be to go to a Christmas Mass at Cathedral of St. Matthew and listen to the most beautiful choir singing during the Mass.

Now our four-year-old son is bringing new holiday traditions into our home. This year he really wanted to make a gingerbread house as he’s been enjoying “The Gingerbread Man” from Disney’s 5-Minute Fairy Tales. So we baked the gingerbread house from scratch and it came out beautifully!"

Jeren Memetklycheva

Vice President


“I like decorating my Christmas tree. Some of the ornaments are from my grandmother and evoke such special memories. There are also ratty (but meaningful) homemade ornaments from my childhood. The best part is the Christmas tree skirt which my mother made in the 1970s, complete with hand-embroidered sequined festive holiday scenes.”

I would have to say the sausage stuffing is my favorite.

Melissa Murphy

Partner, VP


"My family normally celebrates on Christmas Eve where we all gather together, some traveling from long distances where we have not seen each other since the same time the previous year.  After a liberal serving of drinks (often champagne or rum and eggnog) and appetizers (such as an elegantly selected charcuterie board), our family gathers around the Christmas tree in the living room for the night’s celebration.  Around midnight, my grandfather secretly rings sleigh bells and then beckons all of the younger children to follow him outside to see if they could catch a glimpse of Santa as he flies overhead. When they leave the room, a few of us stay back and load the tree with presents so that upon the return of the children, there would be more presents under the tree and believe that they had just missed Santa.  We then open all of our gifts and continue with the festivities late into the night."

Jake Oxley

Account Executive


“Decorating our tree is an important tradition for us. My daughter and the family help to decorate the tree together while Christmas music plays in the background.”

I love good old-fashioned apple pie.

Hibre Teklemariam

Partner, VP


May your holiday season be filled with love, laughter and the traditions you enjoy. 

From our SunStar family to yours,

Happy Holidays!