At SunStar Strategic, we pride ourselves on being seasoned experts in financial PR, specializing in elevating the presence of mutual funds, ETFs, and wealth managers through our strategic public relations campaigns and innovative marketing initiatives.


Wondering if your firm should consider PR?

We’ve combed through our extensive industry knowledge and experience to bring you what we believe to be the top 10 reasons (and benefits) for investing in a PR program.


#1 Enhanced Credibility and Positive Reputation:

Engaging in PR helps asset managers build and maintain a positive reputation and enhances their credibility in the financial industry. By regularly appearing in top-tier financial publications and outlets, asset managers can position themselves as thought leaders and experts in their field.


#2 Increased Visibility and Awareness:

A strategic PR plan can help managers gain visibility in both the national and financial media, making them more recognizable to potential clients and investors. This increased awareness is crucial not only for attracting new business, but also for retaining existing clients.


#3 Strategic Positioning for Growth:

A custom public relations plan can support the growth goals of asset managers by highlighting their expertise and helping them reach their target audiences. This strategic positioning is essential for managers looking to grow their firms and increase assets under management (AUM).


#4 Effective Communication of Brand Story:

A strong PR program enables asset managers to communicate a compelling brand story clearly and consistently. This is vital for differentiating themselves from competitors and establishing a strong brand identity in the financial market.


#5 Integrated Marketing and Content Outreach:

In today’s content-rich environment, integrated marketing and PR efforts are crucial. Asset managers can leverage PR to produce and place content across print and digital platforms, appealing to a wider audience and driving engagement.


#6 Enhanced Client Trust and Confidence:

By earning a reputation as a thought leader through PR, asset managers can instill greater trust and confidence among their clients and prospects. This trust is fundamental for building long-lasting client relationships.


#7 Increased Assets Under Management (AUM):

Leveraging press coverage through PR programs can help asset managers attract new clients, build their business, and grow their AUM.


#8 Competitive Edge in the ETF Market:

With the ever growing popularity and competition in the ETF space, a PR program that showcases asset managers' expertise can give them a competitive edge and help attract more investors.


#9 Connection with Retail Investors:

PR allows asset managers to connect effectively with retail investors by reaching them through the right channels and conveying their value proposition in a way that resonates with them.


#10 Attractive Online Presence:

A professional and compelling online presence is crucial in today’s digital age. Including media interviews and press coverage lends credibility and can make firms more desirable than competitors.


By leveraging the power of strategic PR and integrated marketing, asset managers can boost their visibility, reach a larger audience, build credibility and expand their business. Are you ready to get started? Contact us!