Smartly leveraging your media coverage and reprints allows you more than just 15 minutes of fame.

Had a great interview? Don't let it end there. Odds are you worked hard to earn it and prepare, so extend its life and visibility by making it an integral part of your marketing program.

Good press is an outstanding sales tool that builds instant credibility for your firm.  

Don't forget to follow the necessary steps for compliance. The process can be challenging but it's not impossible. We manage the process for our clients -- from securing publication permissions to compliance approvals.

Our infographic, Leverage Your Press, lays out 9 easy ways you can leverage your media coverage to increase the return on your PR program.


Leverage your press

Need help preparing for an interview? Want to fine tune your skills? 

SunStar Strategic has helped many firms design and manage concise, consistent marketing and communication programs across emails, videos, webinars and more. 

We've helped "undiscovered" funds get discovered, helped smaller funds grow, and helped larger funds develop strategies to achieve their objectives. How can SunStar Strategic help you? Give us a call and we'll develop a plan together.