Sounds simple enough, but what are the components of a sound PR plan?

Approach your PR plan as you would a jigsaw puzzle. The many pieces need to fit together toward a common goal in the end.



Specific objectives will vary depending on where your company is in its lifecycle and your overall goal. Tie each to a time frame and appoint one responsible individual as its owner.



  • Make sure everyone is on board. Company spokespersons have to commit to participate. Be upfront and be sure they understand the commitment required of them moving forward. How often will they participate in interviews? What types of interviews?
  • Provide media training for key company spokespersons. Create a consistent message which all are able to articulate.
  • Ensure message is consistent across all marketing materials.



  • Determine which reporters your firm will target. Identify credible reporters you believe will help you reach your target audience. How will you contact them? How often?
  • Develop and nurture reporter relationships.
  • Identify your target media outlets. Which programs or publications do you believe are the best fit for your firm and its message?
  • Repurpose your media coverage. Develop a budget, identify which appearances should be pursued for reprints, and how they will be used. Consider posting on your website and social media channels to build credibility.



  • Seek out speaking and networking opportunities that fit with your objectives and can work within your schedule.
  • Host conference calls on a regular basis. Determine how frequently will be feasible and reach out to your target audience letting them know the frequency and types of content to be covered.
  • Review upcoming industry conferences. Which ones will be most beneficial for your firm to attend? Decide which conferences will work best within your budget and allow for additional exposure and networking.
  • Host a media event and in invite your list of credible reporters. Take the opportunity to share what sets your firm apart – how your business plays a role in the growth of your particular industry. Hire a PR firm to help organize and publicize the event.
  • Increase social media efforts by engaging your clients and prospects through various social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.
  • Keep your local community up-to-date on the happenings of your business and industry by posting updates to your website and submitting press releases to your local media.

When considering a PR plan as a whole it can seem daunting or even insurmountable. Breaking it down into smaller pieces like a puzzle, and working to put them all together makes it much more manageable.

Put together a series of related objectives that are specific and actionable with identified tasks and timelines. Assign one person to be accountable for each objective, and as objectives are accomplished watch as the pieces fall together to complete the puzzle.

Are you ready to get started? Download our free e-book, Creating the Perfect PR Plan, and take advantage of additional tips!


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