Another helping hand never hurts.

Growing a mutual fund in this day and age can be a daunting task. With hundreds of thousands of funds out there, it can be nearly impossible to stand out and draw investors to your fund. 

But what if you had someone who could guide you in growing your fund? Someone who knew the ins and outs of the industry and the media, and who’d helped countless others? Imagine that.

This “someone” you’re imagining is a Public Relations firm. PR firms like SunStar Strategic can help make a fund stand out with great branding, connections to the financial press, media training, and the ability to lead high-profile PR campaigns and track the publicity your firm receives.


Using a PR Firm means you have help in creating an individualized brand that stands out and makes you memorable to investors and the press. Good branding means that people are more likely to remember and invest in your firm.


Getting into respectable and noteworthy financial papers and onto reputable financial broadcast programs is a goal of every growth-oriented fund. However, getting in touch with reporters who will take note and cover you is not an easy feat. Spending years in the financial PR world has allowed our team at SunStar to forge strong connections with reporters and producers at top papers and stations. These connections are an invaluable tool to securing publicity for your fund.


Ok, so now you’ve got it! Your big TV interview is finally here, or you snagged a feature in the Wall Street Journal—what happens now? Having someone there to help will ensure that your big opportunity doesn’t turn into your big flop. We can guide you in crafting a message and help make sure you are prepared to talk about your fund in a way that makes a positive, lasting impression.


One of the most important things a PR firm like SunStar Strategic can do for you is to track its results. A good PR firm will track all mentions of you in print and broadcast and will keep you up to date about your fund’s presence in the media.

Having someone guide you in growing your fund allows you to focus on what you really need to: making sure your fund performs well.

Learn about how SunStar can help grow your fund here.