The majority of individuals and companies have turned to social media to communicate with their target audience. In fact, if you’re not using social media, you might get left in the dust!

In years past, there have been clear answers on the best times and days to reach audiences in particular industries. With many more professionals working from home, “office hours” aren’t always clearly defined, making the “best times” for social media a little less clear cut – but there are still standouts.


Timing Matters

There is no hard fast absolute best time to post on social media platforms, but taking a look at the guidelines, and experimenting with your own pages will help determine the times to post for viewing and engagement.


“More than 500 million tweets are posted per day. That’s a mind-blowing 5,787 tweets per second!” - Optinmonster.


A tweet is merely a tiny fish in a vast ocean – timing and content will help your tweet stand out.

Twitter, like all social media platforms, is based on an algorithm to prioritize posts it thinks people want to see – not necessarily in chronological order. When you post, only a fraction of your followers will see it – so the more followers, the more your content is seen.

Confusing, right?

According to SocialMediaToday, maximizing your reach starts with the response to your initial post. That’s where timing comes in. If your first post receives no response it drifts away never to be seen again (unless someone goes directly to your page to see it).

However, if your post receives engagement, in the form of likes and/or shares, the algorithm receives the message that your post is timely and inspiring engagement. The post will then reach more feeds. And so on and so on.


Best times to post

The best time to post varies from platform to platform – and can vary from one industry to the next. Once you begin, keep an eye on post engagement. Note any patterns of timing or topics that lead to the best engagement. Your target audience may differ slightly but until you hone in on the best practices for your firm, these guidelines will help you get started.



Best days: Tuesday  – Thursday  

Best times: 10:00am – 12:00pm



Best days: Tuesday  – Thursday               

Best times: 10:00am – 2:00pm



Best days: Monday – Thursday

Best times: 8:00am - 2:00pm



Best days: Monday – Thursday

Best times: 8:00am - 2:00pm


Happy Posting!