Struggling to Make Social Media Work For You? Grab the bull by the horns - take advantage of what social media has to offer!

Embarking on a social media plan may seem daunting. Maybe you think it's too much effort, or compliance won't allow it, or you just don't have the time. 

No matter what your reason, the truth is, you're missing out! Engaging with advisors and investors through social media channels is one of the quickest and most inexpensive ways to connect directly with your investors and boost your visibility.

Roll up your sleeves and: 

  •  Create videos for YouTube to let investors know you and your firm
  •  Share market comments with Twitter
  •  Post your approved materials on Facebook or LinkedIn.

Items cross-posted from your website across your social media channels extends your reach to current and potential advisors and investors. Sharing content positions your firm as a thought leader across multiple channels boosting your visibility.

Ready to learn more? See our latest slideshare, A Guide to Social Media: Tips for Asset Managers. Take advantage of these great tips and start maximizing your social media efforts.


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