The pandemic resulted in a shift online-for practically everything. Millions shifted to work from home and many companies offering in-person products and services shifted to online models.

As a result, marketing budgets for 2021 have increased allocations to digital marketing versus more traditional marketing efforts.

Forbes recently shared what they believe are the 8 key steps to creating a solid digital marketing strategy.

  1. Explore the landscape and analyze your results
  2. Map out your strategy
  3. Define your target audience
  4. Build your content strategy
  5. Choose your channels and tactics
  6. Set key performance indicators and benchmarks
  7. Execute with best practices
  8. Analyze and adjust

Not sure how to take these steps for your own firm? Not sure how they apply to asset management firms?

SunStar has been helping clients for over 25 years grow their business through marketing and PR. Let’s have a conversation about how we can help you do the same.