When it comes to thinking of the future, who wouldn't love to have a working crystal ball? 

Those in the asset management industry would sure love to know what's ahead. It's impossible to know for certain what the future will bring, but DST Kasina has shown us three possible futures.

  1. Active Management. A future where passive management has fallen out of favor and active managers are seeing all the action.
  2. Robots. A future where investors turn to robo advisors and models vs. managers and portfolio construction.
  3. Partners. A future where asset managers and advisors work together.

Which of the three possible futures will take place? That remains to be seen. What we do know for sure is that change is coming. The industry has been changing at a rapid pace and all signs point to that continuing.

Navigating the Future: A Balancing Act

Photo credit: DST Kasina, LLC

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