Receiving positive media coverage regularly can be the cornerstone of a dynamic marketing effort

Published 3/20/18

Receiving positive attention in the press on a regular basis puts you in front of your target audience, strengthens distribution and builds your brand at a fraction of the cost of most other marketing efforts.

Looking for other ways to boost your marketing efforts?

Focus on building positive relationships with members of the media and they'll turn to you for future features. Being seen on television or quoted in print ads credibility and positions you as a thought leader.

Attend industry conferences to connect with your target audiences. Be sure to build a media kit that puts information on you and your firm into the hands of the media.

Consider hosting a press event which allows you to get your message out while also meeting and developing relationships with reporters.

For more tips and information read the full article here.  

Positive media relations are essential to success. Let SunStar Strategic help you get your media strategy off the ground.